Curriculum Description - RP Module

Curriculum Description

This course description provides a necessary summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the expected learning outcomes for the student to achieve evidence of whether he made the most of the available learning opportunities. It must be linked to a description the program.

General Description

Category Details
Name of Organization: Baghdad College of Medicine
Department: Medicine, Surgery, Pathology, Pharmacology, and Biochemistry
Module Name: Systematic Module 3
Course Pattern: Large group lectures, small group lessons, interactive teaching, and clinical sessions
Semester and Year: 4th Year / Semester 1 & 2
Total Course Hours: 90 practical hours + 112 hours Theoretical

Goal of the Course

This module deals with all systems in the human body discussing the Common clinical problems and their management learnt in a clinical context Related to six systems:

  1. Cardiovascular system
  2. Respiratory system
  3. Hematology
  4. Urinary system
  5. GIT system
  6. Endocrine & male genital systems

This is accomplished through collaboration among departments of (Medicine, Surgery, Pathology, Biochemistry & Pharmacology) in alignment with what was learnt in Systemic module-I during phase-I of the integrated curriculum.

Outcome of this Module

A. Cognitive and Theoretical Goals:

  1. Pathology of body systems
  2. Diseases of body systems, diagnosis and medical management
  3. Surgical management related to body systems
  4. Body system pharmacology
  5. Diagnostic imaging of Body systems

B. Skills:

  1. Taking focused history related to body systems
  2. Performing proper clinical examination of body systems and eliciting Abnormal physical signs
  3. Interpretation of common abnormal X-ray findings
  4. Interpretation of common histopathological abnormalities in body Systems

Methods of Learning

  1. Large group lectures
  2. Integrated learning activities
  3. Clinical sessions (small groups)
  4. Web-based learning activities
  5. Student self-study

Methods of Assessment

  1. Written exams (single choice and modified essay questions)
  2. Formative assessment (web-based not marked)
  3. Clinical exams (Multiple OSCE stations)
  4. Pathological slides examination

C. Values and Sentimental Goals:

  1. Establishing a good communication between the student and his Colleagues
  2. Establishing a good communication between the student and patients
  3. Establishing a good communication between the student and medical Staff
  4. Teaching the student the proper attitudes and behaviors within the Clinical environment.

Methods of Learning

  1. Learning the above points during clinical training in the hospitals

Methods of Assessment

  1. Continuous progress assessments during clinical sessions, small group Learning, & ILAs

D. General and Qualifying Skills (Other Skills Related to Employability and Personal Development):

  1. General history taking
  2. Focused history taking for body systems
  3. Using IT for updating information and assignment preparation


Category Details
Course Books Required: 1. Davidson’s principles and practice of medicine
2. Macleod’s clinical examination
3. Short practice of Surgery
Main References (Sources): 1. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine
2. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease
3. Schwartz's Principles of Surgery
Recommended Resources:
Electronic References:

Course Development Plan

  1. Decrease the number of students recruited to the medical college
  2. Increase the number of teaching staff in the clinical training
  3. Improving the skill lab to supply more smart manikins useful in clinical teaching