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A blessed return to the mother of Iraqi universities in embracing and sponsoring Arab scientific activities in the capital of science and historical civilization, beloved Baghdad The Minister of Higher Education welcomes Iraq’s Arab academic guests to the largest scientific forum hosted by the University of Baghdad and launches an initiative to establish and announce the Arab Higher Education Zone to expand the circle of joint work between Arab academic institutions A review of the scientific achievements that Iraq has achieved at the international level in the academic medical fields was present in the speech of the conference sponsor... His Excellency the Iraqi Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi Iraq is a generous country that has achieved major scientific achievements, most notably the full international recognition and accreditation granted to Iraq by the International Federation for Medical Education of the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq Granting full accreditation to Iraq documents an official international position that recognizes the efficiency of Iraqi academic institutions... and the mechanisms, procedures and methodologies that guarantee quality responsible for achieving the goals of educational institutions and gives Iraqi experts scope for global influence.

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