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The College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, organized a scientific lecture based on a research published in the Scopus global database entitled “the diagnostic value of the dual inversion recovery sequence in magnetic resonance imaging for estimating the total burden of diffuse sclerosis lesions and its anatomical distribution.” The lecture in the Anatomy Branch was presented by the teacher, Dr. Mahmoud Mishaal Muhammad, in the postgraduate studies hall in the branch this morning, Wednesday, the twenty-seventh of this month. The lecture, which was attended by a number of department teachers and postgraduate students, aimed to explain the difference between the diagnostic value of the double reflex recovery sequence and its diagnostic value in MS, which has been shown to be greater in the brain than the rest of the sequences, especially in the cerebral cortex and its approaches. In his lecture, the researcher also referred to several topics, including a review of the scientific background of diffuse sclerosis and its diagnosis, and MRI of the brain of someone suffering from the disease, while providing an overview of the dual reflection recovery sequence and its impact on diagnosing the disease.

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