Curriculum Description - Internal Medicine

Curriculum Description

This course description provides a necessary summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the expected learning outcomes for the student to achieve evidence of whether he made the most of the available learning opportunities. It must be linked to a description of the program.

General Description

Category Details
Name of Organization: Baghdad College of Medicine
Department: Internal Medicine Department
Module Name: Internal Medicine
Course Pattern: Clinical sessions and seminars
Semester and Year: 6th Year / Semester 1&2
Total Course Hours: 12 weeks

Goal of the Course

  1. Gaining proper clinical skills in evaluating patients with different medical and neurological conditions
  2. Gaining proper practical skills
  3. Gaining proper communication skills

Outcome of this Module

A. Cognitive and Theoretical Goals:

  • Review of already received Knowledge of different diseases

B. Skills:

  • Take full history and perform detailed physical examination of patients admitted to the medical words, formulate a differential diagnosis and order preliminary Investigations, with the ability of presentation of cases to colleagues.
  • Discuss the clinical approach to common clinical conditions.
  • Diagnose and help in the management of common medical emergencies in the Emergency Room under the supervision of more senior doctors.
  • Demonstrate abilities to present medical information and knowledge to colleagues and students.
  • Perform some procedures like venepuncture for blood sampling, ECG recording, oxygen administration to the patients by a mask, i.v. fluid & blood product & drug administration.
  • Act as a part of a medical team with proper communication and collaboration with the team members.
  • Take focused history for common neurologic presentations.
  • Perform full neurologic examination.
  • Grossly localize a neurologic lesion.
  • Write a basic management plan for common neurologic diseases.
  • Recognize, initially manage and follow up common neurologic emergencies.
  • Indicate the importance of basic investigational procedures of LP, EEG, VEP, EMG/NCS, CT scan and MRI.

Methods of Learning

  • Clinical Sessions
  • Clinical rounds
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials
  • Emergency Medicine Training
  • INLE Moodle and Google Classrooms

Methods of Assessment

  • Log book documenting the completion of the required tasks during the course (follow-up of patients, daily ward rounds, taking clinical notes, follow-up of results of investigations and observing and performing the required procedural skills).
  • End course long-case examinations
  • Final SBA written exam
  • Final OSCE exam

C. Values and Sentimental Goals:

  • Students learn how to communicate with different types of patients with different medical problems.
  • Students learn how to explain to the patients in a simple language their diseases, the results of investigations, and the available treatment options.
  • Students learn how to break bad news to the patients and/or their relatives regarding the diseases, the results of investigations, and prognosis.

Methods of Learning

  • Observing senior and resident doctors conducting the above tasks.
  • Performing some of these tasks under the supervision of their clinical supervisors.

Methods of Assessment

  • The supervising senior observes the students while performing the above tasks during daily clinical rounds and documenting this in the final report at the end of the course on the performance of students during the course.
  • During the final OSCE, there is a station examining the communication skills of the students.

D. General and Qualifying Skills (Other Skills Related to Employability and Personal Development):

  • The students learn how to work in teams.
  • The students learn how to cooperate with resident doctors in the medical wards.
  • The students learn how to cooperate with nurses and medical technicians inside the hospital.
  • The students learn how to give feedback on the teaching environment, quality of training, and cooperation of the senior doctors and feedback on their colleagues.


Topic Outcomes Method of Assessment Teaching Hours Weeks
General + Emergency Medicine Mentioned 1-Log book 2-End course short case and viva examinations 3-Final SBA written exam 4-Final Long case Exam+OSCE exam 1-Clinical Sessions 2-Clinical rounds 3-Seminars 4-Tutorials 5-Emergency medicine training 11 11
Neurological Diseases Mentioned 1-End course short case and viva examinations 2-Final SBA written exam 3-Final Long case Exam+OSCE exam 1-Clinical Sessions 2-Clinical rounds 3-Seminars 4-Tutorials 60 12-13


Course Books Required:

  • Davidson Principles and Practice of Medicine
  • MacLeod Clinical Examination

Main References (Sources):

  • Harrison Principles of Internal Medicine

Recommended Resources:

  • MacLeod Clinical Diagnosis

Electronic References:

  • Using INLE Moodle and Google Classrooms
  • Advising the students to selected YouTube films demonstrating different normal and abnormal heart and lung sounds and clinical skills

Course Development Plan

  • Improving the hospital environment to be more suitable for clinical teaching and education
  • Improving the clinical teaching through more cooperation with MOH staff.
  • Improving OSCE through more stations number and diversity.
  • Improving the skill lab facilities.