Curriculum Description

Curriculum Description

This course description provides a necessary summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the expected learning outcomes for the student to achieve evidence of whether they made the most of the available learning opportunities. It must be linked to a description of the program.

General Description

  • Name of Organization: Baghdad College of Medicine
  • Department: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Histology, Surgery, and Medicine Department
  • Module Name: Urinary System Unit
  • Course Pattern: Large Group Lectures, Laboratories
  • Semester and Year: 2nd Year / Semester 2
  • Total Course Hours: 24 hours theory

Goal of the Course

  • Know different physiological and histological parts of the urinary system
  • Describe the physiologic function of the glomeruli and the kidney tubules
  • Describe the mechanism of renal failure and renal stones.

Outcome of this Module

A. Cognitive and Theoretical Goals:

  • Know different physiological and histological parts of the urinary system
  • Describe the physiologic function of the glomeruli and the kidney tubules
  • Describe the physiology of water and electrolyte and PH of the blood and how the kidney has the major role in their control

B. Skills:

  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of the renal system and manage common urinary tract diseases such as Urinary tract infection; Kidney stones and kidney failure at the basic level.
  • Basic understanding of dialysis in the management of renal failure and peritoneal dialysis)
  • Laboratory skills: The practice of using a dipstick to examine urine, including protein and glucose in the urine
  • The ability to work as a team.

Methods of Learning

  • Large and small group lectures, laboratories.

Methods of Assessment

  • Formative assessment (web-based not marked)
  • End semester exams
  • Students assessment
  • INLE website online exams.
  • Final practical exam
  • Summative Exam (written)

Values and Sentimental Goals

  • Learning through scientific discussions
  • To work within a team


  • 13 weeks of studying the urinary system, 31 theoretical hours and 3 hours of laboratory visits and small groups. Assessment methods explained above.


Course Books Required: Physiology: Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology (2011)
Biochemistry: 1. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Biochemistry, 4th Edition
2. Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 27th Edition
Histology Reference Books: "Junqueira's Basic Histology; Text and Atlas" 2010, 12th ed., Mescher A (ed.), Mc Graw Hill Co.

Main References (Sources): Moore, K.: Essential Clinical Anatomy.
Drake, R., Wayne, V. & Mitchel, A.: Gray's Anatomy for Students.
Agur, A. & Dalley, A.: Grant's Atlas of Anatomy.
McMinn’s Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy.
Gosling textbook & atlas

Recommended Resources: Electronic references (YouTube, PubMed, Google Scholar)

Course Development Plan

  • By providing financial resources, we aim to provide more practical parts to the module.
  • Providing the module with more clinical teachings within the curriculum in the next studying years.