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The Continuing Education Unit at the College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, hosted this morning, Wednesday, the third of January this year, a teaching methods course for teachers of the faculties of the medical colleges, in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Baghdad, under the sponsorship and in the presence of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Dr. Amin Al-Alwani, and Mr. Asst. Dean of Administrative Affairs, Dr. Oday Taher Al-Hashemi, in the graduate studies hall at the college. The course aimed to graduate competent professors who have updated teaching methods by employing educational theories that are compatible with medical specialties, and designing learning activities that suit educational situations to achieve combined learning according to the updated curriculum, and to achieve the goal of sustainable development in quality education, which is consistent with the college’s policy and plan to advance the level. Educational course, as the course targeted a number of its teachers and professors from the faculties of the medical group. The course included several topics, most notably educational design and its steps, the difference between educational design and teaching design, as well as the elements and quality of the educational process. The course also reviewed the types of educational objectives and their fields, stated the levels of cognitive objectives and discussed the standards of educational content and its components, in addition to learning about e-learning design. It is noteworthy that the course will continue to present its curriculum for three weeks, every Wednesday in college hall, and the electronic lectures will be used for the rest of the week.

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